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Academic Qualifications for teaching 77-101 University Seminar
University Seminar instructors must meet the following qualifications:
- Hold a master’s degree (or higher) from an accredited institution
- Employed at Northwest Missouri State University for at least one year by August 2024
- Approval from chair/director/supervisor prior to submission of application
Note: Northwest adjunct instructors who have taught a minimum of three consecutive years in the traditional classroom and have support of the chair/director in the department/school are eligible to apply. If selected, instructors must allot 1.5 hours per week (ideally before or after University Seminar class meetings) to be available for students in their University Seminar section.
Additional Expectations for Instructors
Instructors are required to:
- Instructors must select and oversee a peer advisor that meets the scholarship criteria and is able to foster peer-to-peer connections. Peer Advisors are a vital component of University Seminar. However, a Peer Advisor should not be expected to lead or supervise more than three class periods, without consent of the University Seminar director.
- Commit the time and energy necessary to support student success, including participating in professional development sessions and collaborating with a peer advisor to plan and implement meaningful learning activities.
- Use Northwest Online, including the gradebook, to allow students to monitor progress and performance in the course.
- Submit early assessment (5-week), midterm, and final grades through proper channels according to deadlines set by the university.
- Participate in the University’s retention efforts through student outreach, support, and communication of timely announcements.
- Minimize the use of outside presenters and facilitate activities unique to their section rather than combining sections.
- Contribute to efficient program administration by responding to communication in a timely manner, submitting an electronic copy of their course syllabus, and providing other materials as requested.
For a full list of expectations, please review the job description.
Instructor Application
Thanks for your interest in teaching 77-101 University Seminar. Please make sure you have reviewed the instructor information sheet, meet the instructor qualifications, and gain approval from your school director/chair/supervisor prior to submitting your application.
Apply to Teach University Seminar (77-101)